Holders get monthly airdrops of $TOPIA and other tokens from our node network. A kind of hold-it and forget-it NFT. No staking, no merch, no non-sense. Only 5,555 available on the BASE network starting at 0.025 ETH - minting on July 11th.
100% of mint funds will be used to buy nodes.

Mint Now!

Nods Are Fun

With over 80 custom drawn traits (plus some secret ones) Nods have some wild combinations!

Many collections have 1 of 1's and rarer traits but Nods are all about the nodes (with cool art) so every trait has an equal chance of showing up in your Nods, making for a diverse and interesting collection.

Refresh the page to see a new Nods or select select traits to see what your favorite look will be.

There are over 120,000 possible combinations but only 5,555 Nods.

  • What are nodes?

    Nodes are an integral part of every blockchain, they validate transactions and keep the network safe. They also provide rewards for running them in the form of tokens (magic internet money!). We take care of everything, and your Nods get airdropped a portion of the rewards - no staking, signing or work involved!

  • Which nodes are you running?

    As we grow we will increase our network with nodes from many different chains - to start our main focus will be Hychain. We think it will become one of the biggest gaming chains ever created.

  • Can I get whitelisted?

    Anyone can add their wallet to the whitelist, there will be 3 mint phases. Phase 1 will be for the top 500 referrers (people who share their link with others and they join the whitelist). Phase 2 will be 500 randomly selected wallets from the remaining address's. Phase 3 (if there are any remaining) will be open for anyone to mint.

  • Max mint, price and chain?

    Nods will be minted on the BASE network. The average gas fee on BASE is typically $1 - $2 per NFT mint. If you've never used BASE before it's an L2 on the ETH network, you can bridge ETH for BASE ETH on their website using the same wallet/address you keep your ETH in (very similar to using uniswap or any other DEX). For more information on BASE visit their website:

    The price per Nods and the max number you can mint depend on which phase you are in:

















  • X, Discord, Farcaster

    You can follow us on X, Farcaster and join our Discord. All communication from us will be posted on all 3 channels, follow us on X @nodenerds, on Farcaster @runnods or join our discord.

Monthly Airdrops

Nods Holders will be airdropped 85% of tokens, no staking or signing required.

5 Random Nods will each be airdropped 1% of tokens (5% total) every month!

The Treasury will receive 10% of the tokens to be sold and used to purchase additional nodes to add to our network - increasing monthly airdrops for everyone!